Friday, July 27, 2012

new life


on 9 july 2012, i moved to jb..
reason? tukar tmpat keje..hehe

alhamdulillah hari ni dah 15 hari i stay here.. so far, so good.
tempat keje ok, environment ok, rumah sangatt ok.

i stay with along..quite miss my bestfriend in shah alam..
hurm, i wonder what they are doing now..
maybe diorg tgah makan sama2, karaoke ke, atau pon lepak depan tv je.
oh i suka gather ramai2 dpan tv, pastu citer pasal sale setiap outlet.
*omo, rinduuu*

nevermind, nnti ada masa, i visit u olss...hehe

ridhwan pon di jb, so dah tak LDR dah.. tempat keje dia pon dekat.
sometimes, we go lunch together..oh dia keje office hour, i pnya masa flexible, plus staff boleh laa was great to see him everyday..hehe

tp xkeluar dating sgt pon..sebab masing2 busy keje..just curi masa utk lunch or dinner sama..
xpelaa, at least u still have time for me..and i'm ok with it.hehe

got new friend here.. staff paling tua umur 38..branch manager umur 28..and i'm the youngest..yeay, and the best  thing is diorg suka manjakan kite..haaaa,sebab kite org baru kan..makan pon nak berteman

this coming raya, i xdpt banyak cuti..4 hari je..and i balik malam raya ok...huhu, xpelaa,naseb baek dekat..
yang penting raya kali ni berbeza.. ada urusan besar on 2nd day of raya..fuuuh, nervous2.. semoga pertemuan itu akan baik-baik saja..

mode: planning for future.. ehem!