Thursday, May 26, 2011

a doctor in the house..

my sis brought DR MAHATHIR's book entitle A DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE for my a birthday present..

i know he like it so for now, he has time to read at home, since he already retired.. umur ayah sekarang adelah 57 tahun.. its time for him to rest at home.. but doing nothing is quite boring for him.. therefore, banyaklaa aktiviti yg ayah buat..mcm tanam kelapa sawit, bawak van angkut budak2 sekolah dan lain2..

kembali kpd buku ni..i found that its quite interesting..buku tebal oh..memang banyak jugak politik.. since saya tgah cuti ni, saye habiskan masa dgn membaca buku ni juge kt rumah.. bab politik, i malas sikit nak baca sebab xfaham, hehe.. tp its interesting baca bab lain.. read about the way dr mahathir think..the way he solve problems..many inspiring things i found through this book.. dr mahathir ni idola ayah saya.. so, when he got this book from my sis, he was so happy.. everyday he read ( if have time)..

my idol? oh ayah saye laa idola saye.. ayah paling cool di dunia.. weeee

update about me: i'm going to start working soon.. 1 jun is my first day.. pray for me.. and rumah sewa di subang.. start new life there... nervous but happy! later i belanja ye bestfriends!